Wild Gift Ideas for the Extreme Traveler

for Those Traveling to and from Oregon; Space Travel

Wild Gift Ideas for the Extreme Traveler

Published 12/22/2009

(Schenectady, New York) - Can't stomach the thought of a trip to the mall to pick out yet another argyle sweater for that special someone? Sit back, relax and peruse these unique gift ideas, as none require fighting traffic, standing in line or even waiting for the fedex box to arrive.

BestTravelDeals.net is providing some untamed last minute gift ideas for the serious adventurer in your life – via downloadable gift certificates.

There is an unusual sport called tankballing. It’s paintballing on steroids - it's like paint balling but with tanks.

Silverstone Ferrari Thrill: an exclusive £85 special offer. Fancy a spin in a Ferrari 360 at the world famous Silverstone Circuit? Sample the excitement of high speed circuit driving in this stunning super car only £85.

Drive a Ferrari for a day allows 4 -5 hours of drive time in a Ferrari, Bentley, Audi A8 or Porche 911 Cabriolet.

Then there’s Zorbing. If hurtling down a hill in a giant hamster ball sounds like fun then check out Zorbing. A UK site is offering a deal: two Zorbs for the price of one. Locations include Smoky Mountains, TN, New Zealand and the UK.

What about indoor skydiving? Want the thrill of skydiving without having to jump out of a plane? No problem. Welcome to indoor skydiving, a freefall experience that will be hard to forget. There are a number of indoor skydiving venues both in the states and the UK.

Done the Formula 1 and stock car race experiences? How about tooling around on a sofa at 87 miles an hour?

Big Cats Photography Experience Day. This is the perfect day out for budding wildlife photographers and those who are interested in just getting a close up encounter with some amazing Big Cats.

Similar experiences include the Photo Safari at the Wild Animal Park in San Diego - or consider an urban photo safari in Washington DC.

Auto Stunt School. Fancy driving a car on two wheels or starring in a high-speed shootout? From basic handbrake turns to awesome power-wheelies, Stunt School promises a day out never to be forgotten.

Flight Simulator Experience. Experience the thrill and exhilaration of taking the controls and become Captain of your own high performance jet. During the session, highly trained airline pilots assist in take off, handling the aircraft in flight and help achieve that perfect landing.

For the slightly less adventurous there are amazing hotel deals available around the globe including nearly 60% off at a St Thomas resort and 60% off at a Chicago 4-Diamond Magnificent Mile Hotel.

For additional Christmas gift ideas, visit BestTravelDeals.net for gifts that will provide a lifetime of memories.



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