Traffic Restrictions on Central Oregon Coast, Survey Work Near Corvallis
Published 07/30/2010
(Corvallis, Oregon) – The central Oregon coast town of Florence will see some traffic delays in mid-August because of work on a bridge, and parts of Highway 34 in the Corvallis area will be undergoing some survey work in the coming weeks.
A bridge deck resurfacing project will restrict travel across the U.S. 101-Siuslaw River Bridge in Florence for three days and nights in August.
Beginning 8 p.m. Sunday, August 15 and ending at 5 p.m. Wednesday, August 18, motorists will be restricted to a single lane of travel across the bridge and on the bridge approaches.
Flaggers will control traffic in alternating directions through the construction zone. Variable Message Signs will alert motorists to the lane restrictions.
Motorists should expect delays of 5-10 minutes during the construction periods.
Florence residents will also experience nighttime noise normally associated with bridge construction.
There will be short periods of time between work shifts when travel will not be restricted. Those periods will be approximately 6 a.m. - 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
The deck resurfacing project is weather-dependent. Should weather conditions prevent construction, the project will be rescheduled to the next available time.
To get the very latest road conditions, visit
Those living in the Corvallis area and motorists traveling OR 34 will soon see evidence of survey work connected to an ODOT project to improve safety on OR 34 between Peoria Road and the OR 34 South Bypass. The project is scheduled for construction in summer of 2011.
Survey flags will mark the alignment of a new frontage road that will be located on the north side of OR 34 between the planned realignment Wolcott Road and the O.S.U./ODFW research facilities.
The section of highway between Wolcott Road and the OR 34 South Bypass has a high number of automobile crashes. It ranks in the top 5 percent of crash sites in the state. Bicyclists share the highway with motorists traveling at expressway speeds and there are many driveways and roads that intersect the highway, making access to the highway challenging.
Project targets safety improvements for motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians
The OR 34: Roche to Wolcott safety project is designed to improve the safety and efficiency of motor vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian travel along the highway and the OR 34/Peoria Road intersection.
The project will:
Align Wolcott Road with Peoria Road and expand the intersection with more turn lanes, improved signals and improved lighting.
Construct a frontage road on the north side of the highway to carry local traffic to the new intersection, creating a safer entrance to the highway.
Create a bicycle/pedestrian path on the north side of the highway between the South Bypass intersection and the O.S.U./ODFW research buildings to provide cyclists and pedestrians with a safe and separated path of travel.
Widen Peoria Road by adding a center turn lane to make it safer to access the local market and residences.
The $6 million OR 34: Roche to Wolcott safety project is a state and federally funded project.
The contract will be let in February of 2011 with construction expected to begin in the summer of 2011.
ODOT and Linn County are working on finalizing designs to realign Wolcott Road with Peoria Road and improve the intersection. ODOT is acquiring the right of way needed for construction.
To get the very latest road conditions, visit
There is more on this project at this link