May Clean-Up Event Targets Lake in Oregon's Gorge
Published 04/17/2010
(The Dalles, Oregon) - On Saturday, May 8, The Dalles Young Professionals are hosting a "Save Taylor Lake" clean up project from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Kase Construction – one of the sponsors - will be there with a dump truck to haul out the trash and make Taylor Lake a family-friendly natural gathering area which can be used for fishing, hiking, biking, or for a simple family picnic.
Taylor Lake has been a place that fathers have taken their sons for generations to go fishing or where families have gone to hike around and enjoy the beauty of the wildlife. Recently, in the past 10 years, this location has been forgotten and is slowly becoming a dumping ground for both trash and drug paraphernalia. The wildlife are slowly leaving this area due to the toxins from the trash left behind.
The public can join the Young Professionals in this clean-up and this much-lauded attempt to preserve a part the Gorge's history and heritage.
“This lake is worth saving and is also a great link to both the Riverfront Trail and the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center,” said The Dalles Area Chamber in a press release.
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife says the lake has been stocked with rainbow trout, and that should make for nice catching of those creatures. Also, some adult steelhead have recently been dropped into the lake.
Taylor Lake is about 1900 feet long and approximately 1000 feet wide. The deepest point of the lake is approximately 16 feet.
According to SOLV, some of the environmental issues include hazardous materials such as needles, refuse from homeless camp sites, poison oak and some uneven or slippery ground areas.
To volunteer, call Stephanie at The Dalles Area Chamber at 541-296-2231 to put your name on a list. Please bring sunscreen, friends, and a great attitude.
Directions to Meeting Place: From I-84 turn off on Exit 82. Turn North on River Road, follow this road for less than 1/2 mile and Turn Left of River Trail Way. Follow River Trail Way 1/4 mile and park your vehicle in the open lot on the right side of the road.
This project is also sponsored by both C.I.T.O/Geocaching and the Oregon SOLV Organization.
The Dalles Area Chamber of Commerce, 404 West Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon 97058, Attention: Stephanie Wuorenma. For more information, call 541-296-2231 or 800-255-3385, or email