Oregon's Sandy River Mapped, Detailed Guide Produced

for Those Traveling to and from Oregon; Space Travel

Oregon's Sandy River Mapped, Detailed Guide Produced

Published 08/23/2010

(Sandy, Oregon) - Oregon has a new water trail with signs and a guide mapping the lower 38 miles of the Sandy River for recreational paddling.

The Sandy River Water Trail, the state's eighth designated recreational water route, has been introduced on the web and officially traced in a 12-page, color guidebook. The printed version is available by calling Oregon's state park information center (1-800-551-6949). Web visitors can see the guide at www.sandywatertrail.org.

A water trail is a stretch of river mapped as a recreation route for canoeists and kayakers. Signs along a designated river segment identify public lands that paddlers can use as put-in and take-out points. Guides include maps showing these access and departure locations along with information about the times and distances separating them.

Cooperatively produced by the City of Sandy, the Bureau of Land Management and the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD), the Sandy River guide's maps trace the waterway from the Columbia River to the confluence of the Sandy and Salmon rivers near Brightwood. Amenity and access information, and descriptions of seven public parks along the route, accompany the maps.

Local officials expect the river's new water trail guide to help reduce trespassing on private property and promote boating safety. The guide also suggests six one-day float excursions with information about the skill levels (beginner, intermediate and advanced) needed to safely experience each trip.

A list of Oregon's water trails, including the new Sandy River trail, is posted on OPRD's website: www.oregon.gov/OPRD/PARKS/BIKE/other_recreation.shtml.




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