Work on Oregon Bridge Begins Immediately; Detours Involved

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Work on Oregon Bridge Begins Immediately; Detours Involved

Published 05/08/2010

(Springfield, Oregon) – Oregon Department of Transportation announced (ODOT) that a contractor will begin work immediately to repair damage to the Willamette River Bridge on OR 99E, south of Harrisburg.

The bridge was damaged Monday night, May 3 when it was struck by a boom truck traveling northbound across the bridge. Two vertical supports and overhead braces were damaged by the impact.

Wildish Construction Company of Eugene was awarded the repair contract and immediately began fabricating replacement parts for the damaged supports and braces.  Crews will begin working at the bridge location on Sunday morning, May 9.

Traffic across the bridge will continue to be restricted to a single lane and a weight restriction of 40,000 pounds will remain in effect until the repairs are completed at 5 p.m. Friday, May 14.

The repair project will result in two nights when the bridge will be closed completely. Those nights are tentatively scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, May 11 and 12.  ODOT is working closely with the motor carrier industry and local businesses to coordinate travel needs with the closures.  ODOT has also assured emergency response providers that they will be allowed to cross the bridge at any time.  The dates of the closures are subject to change.

ODOT is working with a responsible insurance company in an effort to recoup the cost of the $195,000 repair project.

“We’re making every effort to make sure Oregon taxpayers won’t have to pay for this incident,” said ODOT District 4 Manager, Bob Doran.

“The responsible party has been cooperating with us and we’re confident our expenses will be repaid,” Doran said.

 Vehicles over 40,000 pounds will need to detour around the bridge. Those vehicles traveling south will detour east on La Salle St. and then south on 6th and Coburg Rd. out of Harrisburg.  Trucks traveling north will detour northwest on McMullen Ln. to Noraton Rd.  Signs will direct trucks to the detour route.

Flaggers will be stationed at the bridge 24-hours-per-day and Variable Message Signs will alert motorists of the bridge restrictions.

Over-dimensional loads requiring a permit should check with ODOT’s Motor Carrier Division at 503-373-0000.



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