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Oregon, Washington Wine Countries Get Runners and Charity Events

Published 02/17/2010

(Portland, Oregon) – As Oregon wine country gets a running marathon, Washington’s Walla Walla wine country comes to Portland, where it will host a wine auction charity event on March 1.

California’s Destination Races, LLC is expanding its buzz-inducing Wine Country Half Marathon Series to Oregon’s Willamette Valley. This, the fourth edition of the series, happens Sunday, September 5, 2010 with activities planned throughout the Labor Day weekend.

The event begins its 13.1 mile course at Stoller Vineyards and Winery in Dundee. Runners then wind through the heart of the Willamette Valley, finishing in the quaint town of Carlton where the Wine & Music Festival is held from 9 a.m. to noon.

20 Oregon wineries will be providing their bounty at the festival, which also features the awards ceremony for the racers, along with live music, beer and food gardens.

The Race Expo happens on Saturday, September 4 at the Allison Inn in Newberg, going from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Along with race information there will be wine tasting and food provided by Chehalem Mountain Winegrowers.

Matt Dockstader, founder of Destination Races, said he believed the event would open the eyes of people around the country to the beauty of Oregon’s wine country. “This area is so scenic and the wines are outstanding but, best of all, the people here are so warm and welcoming,” Dockstader said.

The first day in March,  24 Walla Walla winemakers will be at Ten 01 in Portland to kick off a week of wine events to benefit the 26th Anniversary of the Classic Wines Auction and its work to raise crucial funds for five area charities including Friends of the Children, Metropolitan Family Service, New Avenues for Youth, Trillium Family Services and YWCA Clark County. The Walla Walla Valley Wine Alliance will once again partner with CWA for an exclusive evening of wine and hors d’oeuvres pairings.

The event will be held Monday, March 1 and is $45, inclusive of wine tasting and appetizers. For tickets, visit www.wallawallawine.com or call the WWVWA at 509-526-3117.
Participating Wineries Include: Adamant Cellars, Basel Cellars Estate Winery, Bergevin Lane Vineyards, Buty, Cadaretta, Cougar Crest Estate Winery, Dowsett Family Winery, Ensemble Cellars, Five Star Cellars, Gifford Hirlinger, JLC Winery, L'Ecole No 41, Long Shadows Vintners, Nicholas Cole Cellars, Otis Kenyon Wine ,Reininger Winery, Seven Hills Winery, Stella Fino Winery, Sweet Valley Wines, Tamarack Cellars, Va Piano Vineyards, Walla Walla Vintners, Whitman Cellars and Woodward Canyon.

“We raise money for local charities to support more than 42,000 families and children in crisis and we depend on support from many individuals and corporations, including the wine industry throughout the region,” said said Heather Martin, executive director of the Classic Wines Auction, Inc.

Based in Portland, Oregon, the Classic Wines Auction, Inc., is a nonprofit organization dedicated to producing the Classic Wines Auction and related food and wine events to raise funds for five local charities benefiting children and families. Recognized as one of the top five charity auction events by the Wine Spectator, Classic Wines Auction has raised a total of $21.6 million since its inception in 1982.

More than 700 guests attended the 25th anniversary gala event on Saturday, March 7, 2009. The 2010 Auction will be held on March 6.  For more information, please visit. www.classicwinesauction.com.




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