Heat Advisory Issued for Oregon, Portland Through Tues
Published 06/30/2013

(Portland, Oregon) – The National Weather Service (NWS) in Portland has issued a heat advisory for most of Oregon and southwest Washington, including Portland, Salem, Willamette Valley area. Cascade Foothills, the Gorge, parts of Lane County, McMinnville, Hood River, Albany, Corvallis, Gresham, Eugene, St. Helens, Sandy, Cottage Grove, Hillsboro, Longview, Kelso, Vancouver, Skamania, Camas and Toutle, among many others. Temps in the mid 90's will create some dangerous situations for those working outside or with no access to air conditioning, creating this advisory that is in effect through Tuesday.
The NWS said the heat advisory lasts until 9 p.m. on Tuesday night.
“Widespread temperatures in the mid 90's are expected late this afternoon, Monday and again Tuesday afternoon,” the NWS said. “A few locations may even reach the upper 90's.”
This will greatly impact those engaging in outside activities or working outdoors. The NWS said it will especially impact those who are sensitive to the heat, such as the elderly, children and pets. More humidity will be another cause for concern.
“Dewpoints in the lower 60's will add the effects of the heat,” the NWS said.
Weather officials at the office suggested to take extra precautions if working or spending time outside. Reschedule strenuous activities in the morning, take frequent breaks and wear light clothing. You should also drink plenty of water.
“To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational, Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent breaks in shaded areas or air conditioned environments,” the NWS said. “Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency: call 911.”
The Oregon coast is not affected. See Oregon Coast Beach Connection for places to get away from the heat.

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