Oregon Travel: Bridge Back Open, Gas Prices Steady

for Those Traveling to and from Oregon; Space Travel

Oregon Travel: Bridge Back Open, Gas Prices Steady

Published 05/14/2010

(Springfield, Oregon) - The Oregon office of the AAA said prices for gas are holding steady, while a bridge near Eugene is back in operation.

Marie Dodds with AAA said pump prices are holding steady or dropping slightly after crude oil prices dropped about 14 percent last week.  The national average for regular unleaded remains at $2.90 this week, while Oregon’s average holds at $2.98.

“Crude oil prices took a tumble last week, getting as high as $87 before falling to around $75 last Friday, the lowest close since mid February,” Dodds said earlier this week.

Crude was trading around $77 on Tuesday.

A contractor for the Oregon Department of Transportation has completed repairs to the Willamette River Bridge on OR 99E, near Harrisburg .

There is no longer a weight restriction on the bridge.

A single lane restriction with flaggers controlling traffic will remain in effect for the next several hours.

The contractor will finish painting the bridge and reopen the bridge to all traffic, in both directions, by 5:00 p.m. this evening, Friday, May 14.

The bridge was damaged Monday, May 3 when a boom truck struck the bridge and resulted in damage to two vertical supports as well as overhead braces











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