Oregon Senate Confirms New State Parks Commission Member

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Oregon Senate Confirms New State Parks Commission Member

Published 06/04/2010

(Salem, Oregon) - The Oregon Senate has confirmed Governor Ted Kulongoski's appointment of Davis Moriuchi of Portland to the Oregon State Parks and Recreation Commission. On June 1, 2010, Kulongoski named Moriuchi as Commission Chair, replacing outgoing member Jim Parr, who has served on the commission since 2006 and has been chair of the body since 2008.

In 2008, Moriuchi ended a 34-year career as a civilian employee of the federal U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the last 20 years as a lead executive. He has a Bachelors Degree in History ('73) and Masters in Public Administration ('83), both from Portland's Lewis and Clark College. While with the Corps of Engineers, his executive work covered water planning, resource protection and recreation management in both the Missouri River and Columbia River basins.

Seven volunteers - appointed by the Governor and hailing from every region of the state  - comprise the Commission. The Commission establishes policy and adopts rules for the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department.

Governor Kulongoski challenged the Department to open one new park a year starting in 2004, funding park development and acquisition with its share of the Oregon Lottery. L.L. Stub Stewart near Portland, Sunset Beach on the north coast, Fort Yamhill west of Salem, Thompson's Mills south of Albany, Crissey Field near Brookings, and Iwetemlaykin in northeast Oregon have all opened since then. A new park south of Newport - Beaver Creek State Natural Area - will open this autumn. The Department is also responsible for statewide heritage programs such as the State Historic Preservation Office and archaeological permits.

"Jim Parr's dedication to both parks and Oregon's heritage made him an excellent commissioner and chair, and we'll miss him," said Governor Kulongoski. "Davis has a strong background in natural resource and recreation leadership, and will represent the desire of all Oregonians for a healthy state park and heritage system."

"This is a great opportunity to fuse the two things which are important to me: public service, and protecting Oregon's natural and historic resources," says Moriuchi, who has called Oregon home since 1969. "I look forward to joining this dedicated group of volunteer commissioners."

The mission of the Parks and Recreation Department is to provide and protect outstanding natural, scenic, cultural, historic and recreational sites for the enjoyment and education of present and future generations. The Department is funded by visitor fees, recreation vehicle registration funds, and receives Oregon Lottery money to fund new parks, repair and improve existing parks, and award recreation grants to improve local communities.



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